Cosmetic Tattoos
transform your brows
Ready for your Tattoo?
Ready to schedule your appointment? Great! Here are important steps you must follow so you are prepared for the day of your procedure:
- You may arrive with your brows filled in the way you usually wear them. If you have a shape and style you usually wear and love, we can customize your brows and make symmetrical adjustments accordingly. If you’re unsure, we will determine a brow shape that fits the natural bone structure to compliment your features.
- No Aspirin, Vitamin E or Ibuprofen 24 hours before procedure.
- No alcohol 24 hours before the procedure.
- No waxing or tweezing 5 days before your procedure.
- No tinting the brows 7 days before your procedure.
- No Botox 3 weeks before your procedure.
- No use of Retin-A, Retinol, Tretinoin or any Vitamin A derivatives 3 weeks prior to your procedure.
- No exfoliating the area at least 5 days prior to procedure.
- No facials or skincare treatments 3 weeks prior to procedure.
- No use of Latisse or other lash growth stimulating products 3 months prior to your procedure.
- Limit sun exposure prior to procedure and during the healing process. Swimming pools, hot tubs, saunas and tanning beds will result in loss of pigment, poor color retention and hyper-pigmentation. Sun burned skin will not be acceptable.